Getting Started


This guide will help you get started with ReUI's Apps just a few minutes.


Before you can install and use ReUI, make sure your project meets the following requirements:

  • Next.js: Version 15 or higher.
  • React: Version 19 or higher.
  • TypeScript: Version 5.7 or higher.
  • Tailwind CSS: Version 4 or higher.
  • Prisma: Version 6 or higher.
  • PostgreSQL: Version 16 or higher.

Database Setup

Database setup is required to use Apps.

Check out our Prisma or Supabase setup guides for more information.

Apps Setup

Now let's set up the App modules:

Get ReUI Source Code

ReUI's default Next.js app makes launching App operations effortless. Download the ReUI source code or clone it via Git into your machine:

git clone

Copy Dependencies

To setup Apps into existing Next.js project copy these files from the source code to your project:

  • lib/db.tslib/db.ts
  • lib/prisma.tslib/prisma.ts

Add App Modules

Copy these directories maintaining the same structure:

  • app/ - Contains App route handlers and components.
  • providers/ - Context providers for state management.
  • hooks/ - Custom hooks for data operations.
  • prisma/ - Database schema and migrations.
  • public/ - Static assets.

Configure Environment

Make sure your .env file includes:

# Database

Run Migrations

npx prisma migrate dev

Generate Types

npx prisma generate

Start App

npm run dev